Friday, 10 May 2019

Two swallows do not a summer make

Living in the marina at Burgstaaken in Fehmarn has its compensations- magnificent aerial shows by the resident fleet of swallows.

They are in fact cheeky chitterers who poop on our decks but it's impossible to resent them when they are so very cute (see pic)

We are resigned to being here for another week or more. One factor is Nic's continuing numbness in his left leg and foot due to piriformis syndrome- despite injections and physio. And the other more mundane fact is that we can't drop or raise our heavy anchor because the last set of equipment sent from England doesn't fit with the first set. We await the next DHL parcel drop with resignation.

We finally had lunch in a local bakery that we've driven past in our trips here for the last 2 years. It's in a village in the fertile countryside of Fehmarn, a farming paradise where giant tractors loom around every corner and neon-yellow rape grows feet high. The lunch was good (fresh baked bread and cheese) and we bought a rhubarb tart for tonight's dessert. Nic struggled to sit through lunch...he hasn't been sitting at all for five days as it hurts.

Last week we finally took off the hated spinnaker pole (dangerously heavy 1970s technology) and stored it in a shed. Today we stripped out the ancient dirty ropes which raised and lowered it. 

Despite everything we are relishing being on our beloved boat though it is possible that our little swallows may not herald the perfect summer.

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