Tuesday, 7 May 2019

In the Water, going Nowhere

The 5 days in the yard went pretty much as planned. There was something else though - the anchor winch seized up over the winter and was declared irreparable by our trusted yacht engineer here. So had to get replacement organised from UK - another piece of equipment from the 1990s so can't really complain about replacing, but it's going to take time.

The launch stress on Sat morning was heightened by two problems fitting instruments at the masthead; both resolved with minutes to spare at a total cost of €0.20. Yes, a washer and a nut.
Then there were so many boats being launched, up to 15 a day, that we had to motor straight off and tie up somewhere else in the harbour. The engine started immediately after sitting there for 8 months. Phew. (Pics.)

We then had our last night with Susan and Renè, during which Nic woke up with severe back pain and a numb foot. We said our goodbyes, hobbled away, moved the boat to a longer term position in the marina, and got to the emergency clinic at the hospital as it opened at 10am. The diagnosis was sacro-iliac nerve pressure, and treatment was cortisone shot in the bum and 5 days ibuprofen, with instructions to do walking and lying, and to return if no improvement.

That was Sun and during Mon whilst the pain was manageable if not sitting, the numbness progressed up the back of the leg and across the buttock - a most unpleasant feeling - and walking required effort. So this morning it was back to the hospital, saw a specialist, diagnosis  upgraded (!) to Piriformis Syndrome, a form of sciatica where a small muscle in the bum spasms and squeezes the nerve that goes all the way to the foot (bad design, someone). Another shot in the bum with a repeat in 3 days and bigger painkillers. So Nic is crocked again, through no specific fault of his own this time. Aaargh. 

Meanwhile the wind howls and the rain storms sweep across, so we're not missing anything yet, and we have to wait for the anchor windlass to be fitted. We did at least sort out the running rigging today. When the sun does shine we have a lovely view across the bay from our floating cottage and Fehmarn is a very pleasant place to be. So for now it's a static trip and we make the best of it.

1 comment:

  1. Dear friends, sorry to hear about the physical problems. Nic get well soon. Hope you will be able to start your trip soon. Peter
