Monday, 12 August 2019

Brief return

This is just for us really,  as a reminder. We have come back to Fehmarn to put the boat to bed in its warm shed. Nic's back is nor recovered enough to be sailing this season.

Tina did suggest leaving her outside, like she does with her boat, because then 'you don't have to do anything now'. Well it was a nice thought because she wanted to save us the journey. But when we thought about what we would have to do to protect her from the snow and ice and seriously subzero temperatures ... we decided to go for warm shed as before. She's an old boat and could easily be damaged outside.

So we drove over, see pic of F8 channel crossing, stopping half way in splendid little Hotel Lohmann just off the A1 at Munster. Journey only marred by usual snarl ups round Antwerp and Hamburg.

They can't take the mast off in the yard and Nic can't risk going up the ladder to get on the boat, so for both reasons we are back in the water for 3 days! Detleff and mate expertly warped us along to be across the end of the harbour (pic). Tina has arranged this with the Harbourmaster, explaining we are not fit to go anywhere, and despite two large vessels coming in later today (pic) - one is the regular fishing tripper, and the other an enormous grain barge from Latvia - we saw grain bring delivered to the silo last night by tractors straight from the fields. There is strong wind all this week so it's really good to avoid any difficult berthing. Weilandt do look after us very well, and we are very grateful. 

This is day 1 and we have started down the surprisingly long list of little jobs. Currently Lesley is furiously (in all senses of the word) washing off all the poo from the swallows who love to sit lined up along the guardrail - little blighters. Another excellent reason for not leaving the boat outside for one day longer; she gets very dirty out in the open.

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